RESOURCES   Mac resources are software components used by other software to provide specific features. They come in various forms, often within system files or applications. The Toolbox qqqqqqqqq The Mac’s system includes two sets of Managers:- 1. A Toolbox, made up of programming tools 2. The Operating System, consisting of hardware managers. The Toolbox can be used by all applications, including the Finder. Programmers often use it for standard operations — for example, to create a window using just one call to the Toolbox. You could write your own code there’s little point in wasting time, effort, disk space and memory. And being non-standard it could upset other software! All of the Managers reside in ROM, in the System file or as a file in the System Folder. The most important Managers are:- Manager Area of operation Control Manager Dialog boxes and buttons in boxes Dialog Manager Messages on screen Editions Manager Publish and Subscribe Event Manager Mouse and keyboard actions File System Manager Files in memory and on disk Font Manager QuickDraw representation of characters Menu Manager Pull-down menus Notification Manager Messages about background operations Printing Manager Printing Process Manager Switching between applications QuickDraw Rapid on-screen drawing Resource Manager Resources in RAM used by applications Scrap Manager Scrap in RAM for applications Script Manager Global localisation Sound Manager Sound Text Edit Text editing routines Toolbox Utilities See above Window Manager Screen windows Resources qqqqqqqq Resources contain calls to the system Toolbox that can be modified, added or deleted by means of a resource editor such as ResEdit or Resourcerer — balloon help resources can be added using BalloonWriter (APDA). Such resources reside in a file’s resource fork, separate from the data fork that often contains material you’ve created. Most applications, control panels and extensions have resource forks — documents rarely include them. When an application needs resources it searches for them in the following sequence:- Location Example 1 The current application Fonts installed in the application 2 The System file Fonts in the System file 3 Open suitcase files Font suitcases in the Fonts folder Resource IDs wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Each resource item has its own ID number that ties it into the programmer’s code. Some numbers are reserved — for example custom icons always have an ID of -16455. New resources must use numbers from 128 to 32767 — but you can break this rule for fonts! The numbers are grouped as follows:- -32768 to -16385 Reserved by Apple — using these will cause problems with future systems! -16384 to -1 For a resource owned by another resource such as CDEF, DRVR, MDEF, PACK, PDEF or WDEF. You can check what owns a resource using Get Resource Info in ResEdit. -4048 to -4033 For a resource inside a control panel file. -4032 to -1 For a system resource owned by another system resource. You can check what owns such a resource using Get Resource Info in ResEdit. 0 to 63 For a system resource such as CDEF, DRVR, MDEF, PACK, PDEF or WDEF that owns another system resource. 0 to 127 Reserved for system resources, including WDEFs and CDEFs. 128 to 32767 Available to programmers. Non-system WDEFs and CDEFs are in the range of 128 to 4095. Resource List qqqqqqqqqqq The following list includes common resource types, some of which may be uncommon in recent system versions. All resource names consisting entirely of lower case letters are reserved by Apple. Many resource types turn up in all kinds of file — others are more likely to be found in the file types shown in brackets. actb Alert colour table acur Animated cursor ADBS Apple Desktop Bus service routine (System file) ALRT Alert template — text and items are in matching DITL APPL Application list (Desktop file) BNDL Bundle linking FREF and ICN# to provide correct icon on Desktop boot Copy of boot blocks (System file) cctb Control colour table CDEF Control definition — contains code that can’t be easily modified cdev Control device code (control panel) cicn Large screen icon, colour clut Generic colour table (System file) CNTL Control template CODE Application code segment — the main component of an application crsr Cursor, colour CURS Cursor, black & white with mask DATA General purpose, used as an extra ‘data fork’ dctb Dialog colour table DITL Dialog item list DLOG Dialog template DRVR Driver for DA, printer, network or monitor (System and DA files) DSAT Default startup alert table (System file) FCMT Finder Comment for Get Info (Desktop file) fctb Font colour table finf Font information FKEY Function Key code — for command-shift 0 to 9 key combinations fmnu Finder menu (Finder file) fld# Folder names list FOND Font family descriptor - list of font resources and styles FONT Font description, bitmap fPRT Print Catalogue defaults for Finder (printer driver file) FREF File reference for BNDL used to identify correct icon FRSV ROM font resources reserved for system (System file) FWID Font width table hdlg Balloon Help for dialog box items hfdr Balloon Help for application icon in Finder hmnu Balloon Help for menus in application hovr Balloon Help that overrides Finder help hrct Balloon Help for rectangles in windows hwin Bundles together the hrct and hdlg resources for a window ICON Large application icon, black & white ICN# Large Desktop icon, black & white with mask ictb Dialog items colour table insc Installer script INIT Startup resource (extension, control panel or System file) itl0 International date and time format (INTL ID=0) (System file) itl1 International names of days and months (INTL ID=1) (System file) itl2 International Utilities string comparison hooks (System file) itl4 International Tokenise tables & Localisation code (System file) itl5 International Character Set encoding (System file) itlb International Utilities Package Script bundles (System file) itlc International Script Manager configuration (System file) itlm Sorting order for Script, language and region (System file) itlk International exception dictionary for KCHR (System file) ics4 Small Desktop icon, 4-bit colour ics8 Small Desktop icon, 8-bit colour ics# Small Desktop icon, black and white with mask ic14 Large Desktop icon, 4-bit colour ic18 Large Desktop icon, 8-bit colour KCAP Physical keyboard layout used by Keycaps DA (System file) KCHR Keyboard character software ASCII mapping (System file) KMAP Hardware keyboard mapping (System file) KSWP Keyboard script swapping table (System file) LDEF List definition — contains code that can’t be easily modified lmem Finder low memory globals (System file) mach Matches machine to control panel (control panel) MACS Version number (System and Finder files) MBDF Default menu definition (System file) MBAR Menu bar, contains set of MENU IDs mcky Mouse tracking speed presets for Mouse control panel (System) mctb Menu colour table MDEF Menu definition — contains code that can’t be easily modified MENU Menu contents & style mitq Internal memory needs for colour Make Inverse Table (System file) mstr Finder substitute file storing Open and Quit strings (System file) NFNT New Font Numbering Table bitmap font, indexed via Font & Style menus nrct Rectangle position list PACK High-level software packages (System file) PAPA Printer name, type and zone (printer driver file) PAT Black & white pattern, 8 by 8 pixels PAT# Black & white pattern list PDEF Printer definition (printer driver file) PICT Picture pltt Colour palette (Finder & application files) pnot Preview notification — for PICT or TEXT preview in Open dialog POST PostScript data (outline font, PostScript and printer driver files) ppat Colour pattern ppt# Colour pattern list PRC0 Default printer page setup defaults PRC3 Print window defaults PTCH ROM patch code (System file) qrsc Query ROv# List of ROM resource overrides (System file) scrn Screen configuration for Monitors control panel (System file) SERD RAMSerial Driver (System file) sfnt Spline or scalable font (TrueType/GX or enabled Type 1 suitcase) SICN Small application icon, black & white — used in text views SIZE Finder size information snd_ Sound snth Sound synthesiser resource — contains code not easily modified STR String in Pascal format STR# String list styl Style information for text sysz System Heap request (control panel) TEXT Text string TMPL ResEdit template — determines labels and data types vers Version resource for Get Info in Finder wctb Window colour table WDEF Window definition — contains code that can’t be easily modified WIND Window template wstr String used by qrsc XCMD HyperCard external command (HyperCard file) XFCN HyperCard external function (HyperCard file) ©Ray White. 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